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Chili (Big Batch)


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I made a double batch of Kenji's Chili[@rev] using roughly the same changes as the first time[@rev]. That is, essentially make his chili paste but but do the rest on my own.

Meredith was working on other things so I struggled a bit with the dried peppers. I ended up doing about 5-6 (for the double batch) of:

That was the major change on the paste. Otherwise, I kept the paste pretty much to his standards.

I did end up making other changes. I do not recall them all, but some are:

I was a bit worried as it wasn't super flavorful at the start of the simmer. I added some soy sauce, salt, and pepper. That seemed to help a little, but after it simmered down for about 2-3 hours, I tasted it again and was very happy with it.

We got two dinners (with one being a larger portion) and 5 lunches, 3 of which are getting frozen for the future.

Toasting the seasonings Simmering the chiles Lunch portions